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Feature Spotlight: Smart Form

· 2 min read
Founder of Appraisal Inbox

What is the Appraisal Inbox Smart Form?

Nobody likes filling out forms, especially appraisers. And in the valuation profession, there's a lot of redundant data entry. At Appraisal Inbox, one of our big goals is to save appraisers time by reducing the amount of double entry and time spent digging through multiple sources of data. Based on feedback from our customers and several iterations, we've completely revamped the form for adding appraisal orders to Appraisal Inbox. This allows you to add appraisals orders much faster by reducing the number of fields that need to be filled out and automating data entry.

Our "Smart Form" now requires fewer clicks and pre-fills fields in advance. This is accomplished by automatically generating the file number, auto-filling essential property data, and pulling in other crucial information. For example, when typing the subject property's address, the Smart Form automatically geocodes it and fetches the owner, property type, and other important data from public records. The Smart Form also allows users to quickly pull up clients (or add new ones) and assign team members based on their role and commission settings in just a couple of clicks.

